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Offshore Company Formation Types
Once you have assessed your offshore company requirements and an offshore jurisdiction has been chosen, choosing the type of overseas entity follows the same decision process. Popular offshore company formation jurisdictions offer Offshore Corporations, Offshore Limited Companies and Limited Liability Companies, amongst others. Your solution and the type of offshore company that is formed for you depend upon your overall off shore objectives and, hence, whether you select a single company or corporation plus an additional legal vehicle or bank account, for instance. In some cases offshore bank accounts, trusts and plus other off shore structures are essential in creating the complete offshore strategy which is right for you. Some examples of offshore strategies and tactics are given, below:
Top Offshore Incorporation Entity Types
A Nevis LLC offers the strongest asset protection of all of the offshore jurisdictions from the corporation legislation. This is the type of offshore company formation that we most recommend for asset protection and complete financial privacy. A Limited Liability Company from Nevis is a highly effective and powerful component of an asset protection plan due to the superior provisions over other offshore financial centres and offshore operating formalities. For example, when the owner(s) / member of the Nevis LLC is litigated against, there are legal provisions in Nevis’ legislation which protect the assets inside of the LLC from being seized if a judgement is made against the individual. For more information on the Nevis Limited Liability Company please visit our information pages that deal specifically with this.
The British Virgin Islands Offshore Company or International Business Company (IBC) is a highly reputable jurisdiction which offers complete privacy of ownership for assets which are held inside of the company. Additionally, the BVI IBC offers the ability to transfer residency to the British Virgin Islands. International Business Companies are exempt from all local taxes and stamp duty, along with having substantial benefits in terms of privacy and confidentiality. Please refer to our information pages to research further the subject of BVI International Business Companies (IBC’s).
Belize Offshore Companies are highly popular entities due to the low offshore company incorporation costs and simplicity of setting up these corporation types within this offshore financial centre. Belize also offers a very high degree of anonymity and protection. Additionally, Belize is the only English speaking nation in Central America.
The Panama IBC has been a much more attractive proposition in recent years. Panama is now a stable presence within Central America and has very respectable business growth potential. As an offshore financial centre, Panama offers strong financial privacy and an increasingly stable economy. Please refer to our information pages on the Panama IBC for more details on this off shore entity type.